Sep 16, 2009

Two Stops at Bi-Lo

I ended up making two quick stops at my local Bi-Lo stores. I really wanted the Magic Erasers they had on sale!

1st stop - Super Bi-Lo
Filippo Extra Virgin Olive Oil B1G1 price $6.99 - $1 IP = $5.99 (they had a smaller bottle on sale as well but we really use EVOO so I wanted the bigger bottle)
2 Blue Bunny personal ice creams B1G1 sale price $.62ea - (2) $1 IP = FREE with overage for both (join and receive an email for a $1 off any Blue Bunny ice cream - you can print 2)
$5.39 OOP after tax and saved $6.71 and earned some Fuel Perks!

2nd stop at Bi-Lo
1 Starkist tuna pouch B1G1 sale price $.54 - $.50 IP = $.04 (Bi-Lo won't typically double a q to give you overage) go to starkist tuna website to play a game & then print q
1 Spray n Wash Bright & White B1G1 price $2.49 - $1.50 = $.99 + $1.50 saved in my Upromise account. (print q from
$1.24 OOP after tax and saved $5.05, plus earned more Fuel Perks!

They were out of Magic Erasers so I had to get a rain check but that's okay. I'll round up some more $1 qs for them and make my own sale when they get more in stock!

I was truly bummed that I forgot about a good deal Bi-Lo had with this last ad. They had Hillshire Farm lunch meat on sale and all month long they have a promo to get their store brand lunch meat for FREE wyb the National brand. Ugh! I have some great qs that would have made this an awesome deal! I could have used (3) $.55/1 mfr qs, (1) FREE Sara Lee bread wyb Hillshire Farm lunch meat, and a rebate for a FREE lunch bag wyb 3 Hillshire Farms lunch meat. So I would have paid approx $6.70 for 6 pks of lunch meat, 1 loaf of bread, and a lunch bag! Normally, all that could easily been over $20!!! Talk about kickin' myself in the rear!

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