Sep 13, 2009

Publix Penny Item 9/12-9/13

One shopper has already been out and about!

Her Px store has Publix brand Vanilla Wafers as the penny item.

I'll make a trip to get these and use them in recipes with all the pudding mixes I have stocked up on!

Don't forget the paper has really good coupon inserts this weekend. Anyone know where we can get The State paper? I've looked all over...

(If you are not familiar with Publix Mystery Penny item, here's a quick guide. Every Sunday, Px puts an ad in the paper with a q for a Mystery Penny item that you can only get on Sunday and Monday. It's just their way of getting you into the store to spend some money, but the item is usually pretty useful. Items in the past have been 4pk Px brand toilet paper, Px tortilla chips, Px window cleaner. The item is always a Px brand item and sometimes they run out of the item, especially if it's a really good one, like toilet paper. If your store runs out of the penny item they will substitute another item. You have to spend $10 before coupons to get the penny item. If you are having trouble reaching the $10 limit, don't forget to include the original $ amount of the Penny Item. Example: xx item $2.50, xx item $1.99, xx item 2.99, Px Vanilla Wafers $1.99, xx item $1.39 = $10.86. Then after you give the cashier your Penny Item q, he/she will deduct $1.98 from your total and assuming you didn't have any other q's to use your total would be $8.88 before tax.)

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