Aug 13, 2009

All about me and more that you didn't care to know!

I'm a WAHM with a wonderful hubby and two terrific kids. This last year I have become obsessive about couponing. It's a whole new way of life for my family and I want to pass this craft onto my children to give them a better idea of the value of a dollar.

One of my fav things to do is meet the girls for margaritas and cheese dip! YUMMY! We can gossip and curse like sailors without our husband's censor. Ya know, like we did when they met us and thought it was hot.

My son has Down Syndrome but this blog isn't a soap box for special needs activism. This is for me because so much of the rest of my life is or will continue to revolve around the Boy. That's what we call him, by the way. It's his official title and job description.

I believe what I believe and I don't care if you agree. I'm not going to throw my views down your throat.

I am extremely opinionated and judgemental about the interlopers in my family and friends lives. Just ask my brothers about their previous girlfriends they have brought around. To say I am protective over my loved ones is an understatement. I will make sure you are fully aware that you are not welcome. In other words, don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!

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