Sep 8, 2009

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

Hope you remembered to get your free Chic-fi-la yesterday! We were going to take advantage of that awesome offer, but our wonderful neighbors invited us over for a cookout with their family. Thanks again Sarah and Paul!

I just wanted to point out two great deals I noticed when I was going thru the sale ads this weekend.

Publix has Ragu Sauce on sale thru today for $1.29 a jar. Combine the $.75/2 TQ with $1/2 or $.60/2 mfr q and you get pretty cheap spaghetti sauce! Depending on the qs you use, the price ends up ranging from $.42 per jar to $.62 per jar.
**Updated 513pm 9/8/09** Muahahahahah! When I cleaned out my binder today I found a $.55/1 mfr q and $.50/1 mfr! I combined those and my TQ to get 2 jars of Ragu for $.31 after tax! Go me, it's my birthday, go me, it's my birthday!

Walgreens has an in-ad q for $1.99 wyb Smuckers Jelly/Jam and Jiff peanut butter. Stack that with the mfr q for $1 off wyb Smuckers Jelly and Jiff to pay only $.49ea!

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