Oct 4, 2009

Publix Penny Item 10/4 & 10/5

The mystery penny item is Publix Sandwhich Bread!

This is a great item and will go quickly so get your penny q from the paper and get a move on.  I'm glad I planned my trip already!  I have seperated my lists into several transactions so I can get more than one penny item.  Remember, you only have to spend $10 before qs to get the item and my store always lets me include the original price of the penny item in my $10 total. 

Thanks DH for going to pick up my paper and reporting back!

If your family is like ours, then you normally eat whole wheat bread.  Need ideas for what to do with your white bread?  Check out the tons of uses here.  This is one of my favorite recipe websites because the recipes are submitted by other users, not professional chefs!  I plan on using my bread for bread crumbs and Turkey Day stuffing, easy peazy!

1 comment:

PalmettoStateSaver said...

Good call on the bread crumbs! I do it all the time for croutons too!