Nov 5, 2009

Give Me A Break!

The Winter Savings booklet is available at Publix in Goose Creek as of last night.  My Bestie was in that store for no more than 30 minutes and the store was practically deserted.  Would you believe that in 30 minutes the display stand holding the booklets went from almost full to almost EMPTY?  Someone in my city is NOT an ethical couponer!  You better watch it, because if I see you hoarding all the coupon booklets I WILL, very loudly and publicly, call you out on your bad behavior...Don't think I won't.  Good, ethically responsible couponers share the wealth.  I'm not trying to imply you are a horrible person if you are the one taking all the booklets, but...who am I kidding?  Yes, I am saying exactly that.  Check yourself.

As you can tell, this is an irritating topic for me and I feel very strongly about it.  'Nuf said.  I'll switch to a happier topic and have the Publix deals up soon since I didn't get to finish it last night.

Happy Saving!

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